Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are needed at all Masses (Daily and Weekend). This person helps with the distribution of the Eucharist. If you are interested in assisting in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office 484-5331 or Leisa Fredericks at- [email protected]
Weekend Masses include the role of Commentator who welcomes the people attending Mass, usually announces the hymns to be sung, the Prayers of the Faithful, and also reads any announcements. If iyou are interested in assisting in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office or Leisa Fredericks at [email protected] for training information and scheduling.
Every Mass includes a lay person in the role of a Lector. The Lector reads from the Lectionary the first and second Reading of the Mass as well as the Psalm. If interested in assisting in this ministry, contact the Parish Office or LeisaFredericks at [email protected]
Boys and girls (10 years old or 4th grade and up) AND adults of the parish are invited to serve at Masses and other Liturgical events. Please contact the Parish Office at 484-5331 or email Leisa Fredericks at [email protected].
Men, women, families, and individuals of the parish are invited to assist at Liturgical services in the role of ushering and greeters. This ministry also takes up the weekly collection. Please contact the Parish Office at 484-5331, or Leisa Fredericks at [email protected] - You may also talk with one of the current ushers at the Mass that you usually attend for details.