Current parishioner membership and term expiration are as follows. All terms expire in May. Please keep these parishioners in your prayers as they determine strengths and needs for the St. Mary Cathedral Parish working with Fr. Karl Pung.
Anne Jackovatz (2024)
Janet Morgan (2024)
Alice Smith (2024)
Cindy Zimmer (2024)
Rene Davis (2025)
Mike Czaijka (2026)
Rosita Kintz (2026)
Gabriel Ishimwe (2026)
Grace Distel (2026)
Emily McJones (2026)
Phil Schertzing (2026)
Janet Haun (2026)
St. Mary Cathedral Parish needs Christian leadership to assist the Pastor in making decisions about the life and growth of our parish. Parishioners need to be identified who will seek to promote and develop our Parish Mission and Vision and will assist the Pastor in developing, implementing and evaluating a Pastoral Plan for St. Mary Cathedral Parish.
Member Characteristics:
- Baptized Catholic, practicing and registered parishioner
- Familiar with Parish and Diocesan life
- Enthusiastic about our Parish and its future
- Interest and curiosity concerning parish and community needs
- Willingness to listen and work with others
- Ability to inspire and empower others and to delegate
- Desire to formulate, promote and implement a Parish Mission & Vision
- Tolerance, Empathy and Compassion
- Energy and Availability
- Committed to a consensus process
- Respect for the opinions of others
- Open to Spiritual growth
Your Parish Pastoral Council nominations will be requested. usually in April each year. Please prayfully consider who you think might best serve the Parish. You are able to moninate yourself, along with any other parishioners.
The nominated candidates will be asked to attend a "Discernment" evening of reflection to hear our plans for the Pastoral Council and the duties and responsibilities of Council members. The candidates will be asked to decide if they wish to be included for a lottery style selection/drawing.
Those agreeing to serve will have their names included in a drawing which will be held at all Masses on Pentecost weekend in May. The four individuals selected will participate on the Parish Council for the next three years.
Please pray for the people and the process.